„Breaking the rules is often fun, although we cannot condone it. But breaking the rules of Real Time Statistics (RTS) in Db2 12 can really land you in hot water.

We provide two queries that may give you a Get Out of Jail Free Card – at least as far as RTS is concerned…”

In this short newsletter, I wish to briefly discuss a change in behavior of the Real Time Statistics (RTS) tables that I have now seen at customer sites. I am not too happy about it! Before we start, a quick resumé of the RTS is required.

The Arrival of RTS

The Real Time Statistics were basically created by Dr Jim Teng in Db2 V7 and have always obeyed a few quite simple rules.

Real Time Statistics (RTS) rules:

  1. Rule Number one
    If in doubt set to NULL.
    This might read a bit odd but the idea from Jim was that if any value is not 100% known then the column must be set to the NULL value.

  2. Rule Number two
    Externalize when asked, or by timer.

  3. Rule Number three
    No DEFINE NO data.

  4. Rule Number four
    Utilities will always update the RTS unless it cannot – see Rule Number one.

  5. Rule Number five
    SQL updates the counters unless they cannot – Think Mass Delete in a multi-table tablespace. Totalrows cannot be updated.

Rules are made to be broken

A couple of years into RTS usage and the clamor for changing various insert values got too big, so IBM enhanced the RTS so that on creation the REORGLASTTIME got set to the created timestamp and all the counter columns got set to zero instead of NULL. Now this was a good change as adding 1,000,000 to NULL you get NULL, whereas adding 1,000,000 to zero means you get 1,000,000 which is obviously better for working out whether or not you need a utility to run. The REORGLASTTIME was also accepted as when you create a nice empty object or you insert one row into an object, then by definition, it is in a perfectly reorganized state!

RTS rule one broken

Mass delete always caused problems, as mentioned earlier, so IBM then made a “half way” fix for the INDEX statistics in Db2 9 by zeroing the TOTALENTRIES when there is a Mass Delete as Db2 knows that the index is now empty.


Of course it did not update the TOTALROWS, as it didn’t “know” how many rows were mass deleted or truncated. This causes “drift” between the TS and IX statistics, but is only a minor annoyance.

Db2 12 breaks rule one

Now in Db2 12 Rule one has been broken again. Not that much of a break, but still not brilliant! What they have done, is change the STATSLASTTIME to now also be, nearly, the created TS – as if creating an object sets the runstats columns to valid data!

Naturally, the Db2 Catalog is still all -1’s. This makes generating utilities based on the RTS a little bit tricky, as you cannot trust the STATSLASTTIME to now ever actually be the time a RUNSTATS utility really ran – which was the *whole*, and only, purpose of this column! If only they had set the STATSLASTTIME to ‘0001-01-01-’ then all would be well…

Who woke the dogs up? (Or: Who let the dogs out? I.e. American jargon)

Is the APAR (PTF UI48494) that caused me all the trouble.

Where’s the beef?

Well, the problem is, if you are generating RUNSTATS based on the RTS – and who isn’t these days? – Then you are probably using this column. Now it *looks* like a RUNSTATS has been run at least once.

This is false and can lead to the not running of RUNSTATS when it most definitely should have been run.

Check all your home-grown RUNSTATS checkers. Remember DSNACCOX is also a little bit broken, as it uses these predicates:

 STATSLASTTIME< latest PROFILE_UPDATE for the table space1 OR

Make sure you do not use the STATSLASTTIME, but instead join across to the SYSINDEXPART or SYSTABLEPART and pull out the STATSTIME column. This data is still ok and not fake news!

The scope of the problem

To find out the scope of the problem at your site, or even if you have this problem, you can run these two queries which simply list out all the objects that have, according to the Db2 Catalog, never been RUNSTATted, but according to the RTS they have been RUNSTATted:

Query 1

   ,SYSIBM.SYSTABLES           D 
                  = TIMESTAMP('0001-01-01-') 
  AND D.TYPE IN ('H' , 'M' , 'P' , 'R' , 'T') 
ORDER BY 1 , 2 , 3 

Query 2

    ,SYSIBM.SYSTABLES          D 
                  = TIMESTAMP('0001-01-01-') 
  AND D.TYPE IN ('H' , 'M' , 'P' , 'R' , 'T') 
ORDER BY 1 , 2 , 3 -

You can run these in any version of Db2 you like, but you will only get results from a Db2 12 system with this APAR applied and you have created an index or a tablespace. When I run them here on my Db2 10 and 11 systems I get zero rows back and on my test Db2 12 FL501 system I get 172 rows.

The good news is…

Our product for helping you all get “agile” in Db2 12, CDDC – ContinuousDelivery DeploymentCheck, detects and reports these data constellations as does our Statistics Health Check, of course.

I would be very interested to hear your opinions about this “little change in behavior”. Have you come across this at your site?


As always, any questions or comments would be most welcome!


Roy Boxwell

Southwest Db2 Users Group – February 2018

Db2 Forum.  Southwest Db2 Users Group – February 2018 – Grapevine (Dallas), TX, USA

SEGUS & SOFTWARE ENGINEERING proudly sponsor this event & present

1 – Pdf Präsentation Compliance with compliments! Viable Db2 z/OS workload tracking.

2 – Pdf Präsentation Db2 12 Continuous Delivery – New challenges for deployment.

3 – Pdf Präsentation –  Db2 z/OS Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics… 

1 – Db2 z/OS Security Audit: Compliance with compliments! Viable Db2 z/OS workload tracking.

Audit and Compliance is a need that many companies want and have to fulfill.

There’s different ways and tools that promise to be able to do it, but what can they really do and what are the associated costs? This presentation introduces Db2 10/11 technology exploitation that delivers any DML, DDL, DCL being executed in a Db2 environment along with identification details. Learn how you can run Audit analytics against a long‐term repository, pinpointing who executed a query, when and from where. Analyze your entire workload to understand access patterns and abnormalities.

More about Db2 Audit

Presentation Outline

  • Audit needs and musts Take a journey to GLB HIPAA PCI‐DSS Basel III Sarbanes‐Oxley CA SB1386 Federal Information Security Management Act “ed Flag”Rules (FRCA)5.
  • Solution overview and their Pros/Cons Get an overview about the existing solutions and understand how they work.
  • The viable way – let Db2 do the magic! Learn about Db2 enhancements in Db2 10/11 that deliver the Db2 workload being processed and understand why it’s so efficient.
  • Customer results from the banking industry Receive some experience from a large banking company and how they successfully replaced their Db2 Audit feature based reporting by a modern SQL tracking and analytics process.


2 Db2 12 Continuous Delivery – New challenges for deployment.

Fundamental changes in the Db2 z world often lead to concerns. Let’s face it – some changes force us to change! While a Db2 version migration usually took months, or even years, there will be no new Db2 version after 12, but continuous code drops.

This will have a tremendous impact on migration strategies, because we have to find a reliable way to test these code deliveries in a fraction of time. If we make it, Business Divisions will become enthused at how quickly new technology becomes available for new applications. This presentation will describe the difference between Code, Catalog, Function and Application Levels, how you can control them and how you can fallback in case of anomalies. It also illustrates how we still can be pro-active in testing without burning weeks and months.
Learn how to choose from four different levels of testing and a new way of automation. CD-Screening allows you to pick and choose from KPI based test automation. The levels include simple anomaly alerting, access path verification, clone Pre-apply and even workload capture/replay to easily discover different behaviour resulting from a new code Level.

More about Db2 Continuous Delivery – CD

Presentation Outline

Joining this presentation, you’ll learn how to align Continuous Delivery to your Continuous Availability.

  • Agile, Continuous Delivery, DevOps – just buzz words, or new methodologies?
  • Db2 Code, Catalog, Function and Application Levels – differences and dependencies.
  • Activation/Deactivation of new code and how to fallback and when you can’t.
  • Different flavors of (pro-active) CD-Screening and how it can be automated:

* Anomaly alerting based on Incompatibility Change Indicators (ICIs)
* Dyn./Stat.Access Path Change Detection e.g.via Plan Management
* Clone based code change pre-apply exploiting Backup System
* Workload-KPI verification using SQL replay and KPI comparison

Audience Experience:   Intermediate Advanced
Platform:                        Db2 z/OS
Presentation Length:     60 minutes
Presentation Category:  Database Administration Performance Management Db2 Migration


3 Db2 z/OS Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics…

– Benjamin Disraeli, Prime Minister of England (1868, 1874-1880)

The above line may, or may not, have been spoken well over 100 years ago, but the need for statistics and, above all else, accurate statistics is more important than ever in the Db2 world of today.

More about Db2 RUNSTATS

Presentation Outline

  • Db2 RUNSTATS basics & catalog tables and Columns used for access path
  • IBM recommendations through the ages : from Db2 V3 to Db2 12
  • Db2 RUNSTATS advanced
  • SYSCOLDIST explained
  • RUNSTATS real world Q&A :
  • RUNSTATS reversal

Speaker biography

Roy Boxwell has more than 32 years of experience in MVS, OS/390, and z/OS environments – 30 of those in Db2. He specializes in installation, migration, and performance monitoring and tuning. Roy leads the SEG development team responsible for the real time database maintenance solutions. He is also an active participant, speaker and contributor on the IDUG Db2 Listserv and sends out a monthly Db2 z/OS Newsletter.

Heart of Texas Db2 Users Group – February 2018

HOTDUG – Heart of Texas Db2 User Group – February 2018 –  Austin, TX, USA

SEGUS & SOFTWARE ENGINEERING proudly sponsor this event & present

1 – Pdf PresentationCompliance with compliments! Viable Db2 z/OS workload tracking.

2 Pdf PresentationDb2 12 Continuous Delivery – New challenges for deployment.

3 Pdf PresentationDb2 z/OS Lies, Damn lies, and Statistics… 

1 – Db2 z/OS Security Audit: Compliance with compliments! Viable Db2 z/OS workload tracking.

Audit and Compliance is a need that many companies want and have to fulfill.

There’s different ways and tools that promise to be able to do it, but what can they really do and what are the associated costs? This presentation introduces Db2 10/11 technology exploitation that delivers any DML, DDL, DCL being executed in a Db2 environment along with identification details. Learn how you can run Audit analytics against a long‐term repository, pinpointing who executed a query, when and from where. Analyze your entire workload to understand access patterns and abnormalities.

More about Db2 Audit

Presentation Outline

  • Audit needs and musts Take a journey to GLB HIPAA PCI‐DSS Basel III Sarbanes‐Oxley CA SB1386 Federal Information Security Management Act “ed Flag”Rules (FRCA)5.
  • Solution overview and their Pros/Cons Get an overview about the existing solutions and understand how they work.
  • The viable way – let Db2 do the magic! Learn about Db2 enhancements in Db2 10/11 that deliver the Db2 workload being processed and understand why it’s so efficient.
  • Customer results from the banking industry Receive some experience from a large banking company and how they successfully replaced their Db2 Audit feature based reporting by a modern SQL tracking and analytics process.


2Db2 12 Continuous Delivery – New challenges for deployment.

Fundamental changes in the Db2 z world often lead to concerns. Let’s face it – some changes force us to change! While a Db2 version migration usually took months, or even years, there will be no new Db2 version after 12, but continuous code drops.

This will have a tremendous impact on migration strategies, because we have to find a reliable way to test these code deliveries in a fraction of time. If we make it, Business Divisions will become enthused at how quickly new technology becomes available for new applications. This presentation will describe the difference between Code, Catalog, Function and Application Levels, how you can control them and how you can fallback in case of anomalies. It also illustrates how we still can be pro-active in testing without burning weeks and months.
Learn how to choose from four different levels of testing and a new way of automation. CD-Screening allows you to pick and choose from KPI based test automation. The levels include simple anomaly alerting, access path verification, clone Pre-apply and even workload capture/replay to easily discover different behaviour resulting from a new code Level.

More about Db2 Continuous Delivery – CD

Presentation Outline

Joining this presentation, you’ll learn how to align Continuous Delivery to your Continuous Availability.

  • Agile, Continuous Delivery, DevOps – just buzz words, or new methodologies?
  • Db2 Code, Catalog, Function and Application Levels – differences and dependencies.
  • Activation/Deactivation of new code and how to fallback and when you can’t.
  • Different flavors of (pro-active) CD-Screening and how it can be automated:

* Anomaly alerting based on Incompatibility Change Indicators (ICIs)
* Dyn./Stat.Access Path Change Detection e.g.via Plan Management
* Clone based code change pre-apply exploiting Backup System
* Workload-KPI verification using SQL replay and KPI comparison

Audience Experience:   Intermediate Advanced
Platform:                        Db2 z/OS
Presentation Length:     60 minutes
Presentation Category:  Database Administration Performance Management Db2 Migration


3Db2 z/OS Lies, Damn lies, and Statistics…

– Benjamin Disraeli, Prime Minister of England (1868, 1874-1880)

The above line may, or may not, have been spoken well over 100 years ago, but the need for statistics and, above all else, accurate statistics is more important than ever in the Db2 world of today.

More about Db2 RUNSTATS

Presentation Outline

  • Db2 RUNSTATS basics & catalog tables and Columns used for access path
  • IBM recommendations through the ages : from Db2 V3 to Db2 12
  • Db2 RUNSTATS advanced
  • SYSCOLDIST explained
  • RUNSTATS real world Q&A :
  • RUNSTATS reversal

Speaker biography

Roy Boxwell has more than 32 years of experience in MVS, OS/390, and z/OS environments – 30 of those in Db2. He specializes in installation, migration, and performance monitoring and tuning. Roy leads the SEG development team responsible for the real time database maintenance solutions. He is also an active participant, speaker and contributor on the IDUG Db2 Listserv and sends out a monthly Db2 z/OS Newsletter.

IDUG Db2 Tech Conference 2018 in Philadelphia

IDUG Db2 Tech Conference 2018 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

IDUG North America


Db2 12 – 12 months agile production experience with more focus on the Data and less on the base

> Pdf Presentation

Migrating to Db2 12 is pretty much the same procedure like every 3 years. Then we get introduced to a variety of levels that control new features and functions being delivered and realize that the every-3-years-same-procedure is history. The levels, their dependencies and behavior are a fundamental change, which was implemented to control agile and more specifically it’s associated Continuous Delivery of future upgrades and fixes. As usual, it comes with benefits, but also challenges.

This presentation not only covers customers experiences migrating to Db2 12, but also how the changed maintenance approach has forced them to change existing procedures.

The second part is the daily operation and exploitation using Db2 12 enhancements from customers of different industries.

The over-all results aren’t bad, but a major conclusion is also that this Db2 version is significantly different than other versions before. It’s the first agile version with all its pros and cons. According to IBMs July 2017 announcement, the new database design “represents the elemental nature of Db2 (think periodic table) and connotes the fundamental importance of hybrid data management“. Where does this materialize in our daily work with Db2? Join this presentation and benefit from the experience of other Db2 customers around the world running Db2 12.

More about Db2 Continuous Delivery – CD

Presentation Outline

  1. a – Db2 migration and maintenance – meet the agile and continuous delivery face of Db2.
    b – Db2 Code, Catalog, Function and Application Levels – differences, dependencies and how to successfully manage them.
  2. Running Db2 12 and exploiting new features – what’s hot and how to exploit it best?
  3. Emphasizing the Data – what has changed since July and what are the hybrid aspects managing Data?
  4. Top 10 list of tips and gotchas from a year of Db2 12 production Data bases around the world

Audience Experience:   Intermediate Advanced
Platform:                         Db2 z/OS
Presentation Length:     60 minutes
Presentation Category:  Database Administration, Performance Management, Db2 Migration

Speaker biography

Roy Boxwell has more than 32 years of experience in MVS, OS/390, and z/OS environments – 30 of those in Db2. He specializes in installation, migration, and performance monitoring and tuning. Roy leads the SEG development team responsible for the real time database maintenance solutions. He is also an active participant, speaker and contributor on the IDUG Db2 Listserv and sends out a monthly Db2 z/OS Newsletter.

2017-05 Db2 version 12: A little bit too agile?


How to handle APPLCOMPAT when it comes to Dynamic SQL?

I have been involved in testing in Db2 version 12 for a while now, and I think we need a discussion about a few features that come in with this “agile” release.

APPLCOMPAT to the rescue?

First up, is the use of APPLCOMPAT – This is now available throughout the SQL, but comes with a few problems. If you have static SQL then all is fine and dandy, as the APPLCOMPAT used is stored in the Db2 Catalog. You can easily refer to it and check which package is using what APPLCOMPAT. The real trouble starts with Dynamic SQL.

Dynamic SQL intro

A quick discourse about Dynamic SQL is now required…

All Dynamic SQL that runs, must run “under the control” of a Package.

This means that we all have loads of empty packages that are just used to run Dynamic SQL. You all have the SYSLHxxx, SYSLNxxx style Packages and probably loads more. These Packages are used for authentication, tracing, and validation of requests from remote users.

Package is the Boss

This is all good, apart from when a new Db2 12 Function Level (from now on FL) is activated. Why? Because the “package is boss” – If the package was bound at FL500 and you activate FL501, then any SQL that executes in that package that attempts to use an FL501 statement fails. If the SQL attempts to SET CURRENT APPLCOMPAT = ‘V12R1M501’ it will, of course, also fail.

REBIND the world?

To “fix” this, you simply have to REBIND the package to the new FL level.

Sounds simple, huh?

Well, what that means is that *all* SQL that uses that package will get the ability to go to FL501 straightaway, unless they are coded with SET CURRENT APPLCOMPAT = ‘V12R1M500’ or which level you would prefer…

We all have that coded in our JAVA programs don’t we?

Dynamic Packages always allocated

So the problem now is – You have hundreds of Packages that you must rebind, but you dare not rebind them! Even worse, is that you probably *cannot* rebind them anyway, as they are permanently allocated and in use!

. Imagine how many Dynamic SQLs are running in your shop?
. Can you flush the DSC and rebind all of your “empty” Packages?
. When can you plan such an outage?

COLLECTIONs can help

One work-around is to have a new COLLECTION, which the empty packages are bound to again. This works great, apart from one tiny little problem… The COLLID must then be set/changed in all of the CLI.INI or API places where it is currently set, or just defaulted to, today! At one of my customer sites that would be over 8,000 files to update!

So now my questions to the readers out there

How do you plan to manage this?

How do you plan to roll-out FL levels?

If using a new collection, how many CLI.INIs etc. must be changed?


As usual, if you have any comments or queries please feel free to drop me a line!


Roy Boxwell

Wisconsin DB2 Users Group – September 2017

WDUG – Wisconsin Db2 Users Group – September 2017

September 13th, 2017


pdf Presentation 1 – Db2 12 Continuous Delivery – New challenges for deployment.

pdf Presentation 2 – Db2 z/OS Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics

1- Db2 12 Continuous Delivery – New challenges for deployment.

Fundamental changes in the Db2 z world often lead to concerns. Let’s face it – some changes force us to change! While a Db2 version migration usually took months, or even years, there will be no new Db2 version after 12, but continuous code drops.

This will have a tremendous impact on migration strategies, because we have to find a reliable way to test these code deliveries in a fraction of time. If we make it, Business Divisions will become enthused at how quickly new technology becomes available for new applications. This presentation will describe the difference between Code, Catalog, Function and Application Levels, how you can control them and how you can fallback in case of anomalies. It also illustrates how we still can be pro-active in testing without burning weeks and months.

Learn how to choose from four different levels of testing and a new way of automation. CD-Screening allows you to pick and choose from KPI based test automation. The levels include simple anomaly alerting, access path verification, clone Pre-apply and even workload capture/replay to easily discover different behaviour resulting from a new code Level.

More about Db2 Continuous Delivery – CD

Presentation Outline

Joining this presentation, you’ll learn how to align Continuous Delivery to your Continuous Availability.

1 – Agile, Continuous Delivery, DevOps – just buzz words, or new methodologies?

2 – Db2 Code, Catalog, Function and Application Levels – differences and dependencies.

3 – Activation/Deactivation of new code and how to fallback and when you can’t.

4 – Different flavors of (pro-active) CD-Screening and how it can be automated:

* Anomaly alerting based on Incompatibility Change Indicators (ICIs)
* Dyn./Stat.Access Path Change Detection e.g.via Plan Management
* Clone based code change pre-apply exploiting Backup System
* Workload-KPI verification using SQL replay and KPI comparison

Audience Experience:    Intermediate Advanced
Platform:                          Db2 z/OS
Presentation Length:     60 minutes
Presentation Category:  Database Administration Performance Management Db2 Migration

2- Db2 z/OS Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics

..Lies, damn lies, and statistics… – Benjamin Disraeli, Prime Minister of England (1868, 1874-1880)

The above line may, or may not, have been spoken well over 100 years ago, but the need for statistics and, above all else, accurate statistics is more important than ever in the Db2 world of today.

Presentation Outline

  • Db2 RUNSTATS basics & catalog tables and Columns used for access path
  • IBM recommendations through the ages : from Db2 V3 to Db2 12
  • Db2 RUNSTATS advanced
  • SYSCOLDIST explained
  • RUNSTATS real world Q&A :
  • RUNSTATS reversal

Speaker Biography

Roy Boxwell has more than 31 years of experience in MVS, OS/390, and z/OS environments – 29 of those in Db2. He specializes in installation, migration, and performance monitoring and tuning. Roy leads the SEG development team responsible for the real time database maintenance solutions. He is also an active participant, speaker and contributor on the IDUG Db2 Listserv and sends out a monthly Db2 z/OS Newsletter.


Midwest Database User Group – September 2017

MWDUG – Midwest Database User Group – September 2017

September 14th, 2017

SEGUS & SOFTWARE ENGINEERING sponsor this event & present

pdf Presentation 1 – Db2 12 Continuous Delivery – New challenges for deployment.

pdf Presentation 2 – Db2 z/OS Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics

1- Db2 12 Continuous Delivery – New challenges for deployment.

Fundamental changes in the Db2 z world often lead to concerns. Let’s face it – some changes force us to change! While a Db2 version migration usually took months, or even years, there will be no new Db2 version after 12, but continuous code drops.

This will have a tremendous impact on migration strategies, because we have to find a reliable way to test these code deliveries in a fraction of time. If we make it, Business Divisions will become enthused at how quickly new technology becomes available for new applications. This presentation will describe the difference between Code, Catalog, Function and Application Levels, how you can control them and how you can fallback in case of anomalies. It also illustrates how we still can be pro-active in testing without burning weeks and months.

Learn how to choose from four different levels of testing and a new way of automation. CD-Screening allows you to pick and choose from KPI based test automation. The levels include simple anomaly alerting, access path verification, clone Pre-apply and even workload capture/replay to easily discover different behaviour resulting from a new code Level.

More about Db2 Continuous Delivery – CD

Presentation Outline

Joining this presentation, you’ll learn how to align Continuous Delivery to your Continuous Availability.

1 – Agile, Continuous Delivery, DevOps – just buzz words, or new methodologies?

2 – Db2 Code, Catalog, Function and Application Levels – differences and dependencies.

3 – Activation/Deactivation of new code and how to fallback and when you can’t.

4 – Different flavors of (pro-active) CD-Screening and how it can be automated:

* Anomaly alerting based on Incompatibility Change Indicators (ICIs)
* Dyn./Stat.Access Path Change Detection e.g.via Plan Management
* Clone based code change pre-apply exploiting Backup System
* Workload-KPI verification using SQL replay and KPI comparison

Audience Experience:    Intermediate Advanced
Platform:                          Db2 z/OS
Presentation Length:     60 minutes
Presentation Category:  Database Administration Performance Management Db2 Migration

Speaker Biography

Ulf Heinrich is the Director of Solutions Delivery at SOFTWARE ENGINEERING GmbH. He specializes in Db2 recovery issues and database maintenance, focusing on the growing requirement for cost reduction and 24×7 operations. As a consultant at large customer sites, he has implemented database maintenance procedures and recovery strategies, and also experienced the pitfalls of recovery scenarios under real‐world recovery pressure. His activities cover EMEA, as well as North America through SE’ U.S. subsidiary, SEGUS Inc. He’s involved in the development of SE’ maintenance and recovery Solutions.


2- Db2 z/OS Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics

..Lies, damn lies, and statistics… – Benjamin Disraeli, Prime Minister of England (1868, 1874-1880)

The above line may, or may not, have been spoken well over 100 years ago, but the need for statistics and, above all else, accurate statistics is more important than ever in the Db2 world of today.

Presentation Outline

  • Db2 RUNSTATS basics & catalog tables and Columns used for access path
  • IBM recommendations through the ages : from Db2 V3 to Db2 12
  • Db2 RUNSTATS advanced
  • SYSCOLDIST explained
  • RUNSTATS real world Q&A :
  • RUNSTATS reversal

Speaker Biography

Roy Boxwell has more than 31 years of experience in MVS, OS/390, and z/OS environments – 29 of those in Db2. He specializes in installation, migration, and performance monitoring and tuning. Roy leads the SEG development team responsible for the real time database maintenance solutions. He is also an active participant, speaker and contributor on the IDUG Db2 Listserv and sends out a monthly Db2 z/OS Newsletter.


Saint Louis Db2 Users Group – September 2017

STLDUG – Saint Louis Db2 Users Group – September 2017

September 12th, 2017


Db2 12 Continuous Delivery – New challenges for deployment.

Pdf Presentation

Fundamental changes in the Db2 z world often lead to concerns. Let’s face it – some changes force us to change! While a Db2 version migration usually took months, or even years, there will be no new Db2 version after 12, but continuous code drops.

This will have a tremendous impact on migration strategies, because we have to find a reliable way to test these code deliveries in a fraction of time. If we make it, Business Divisions will become enthused at how quickly new technology becomes available for new applications. This presentation will describe the difference between Code, Catalog, Function and Application Levels, how you can control them and how you can fallback in case of anomalies. It also illustrates how we still can be pro-active in testing without burning weeks and months.

Learn how to choose from four different levels of testing and a new way of automation. CD-Screening allows you to pick and choose from KPI based test automation. The levels include simple anomaly alerting, access path verification, clone Pre-apply and even workload capture/replay to easily discover different behaviour resulting from a new code Level.

More about Db2 Continuous Delivery – CD

Presentation Outline

Joining this presentation, you’ll learn how to align Continuous Delivery to your Continuous Availability.

1 – Agile, Continuous Delivery, DevOps – just buzz words, or new methodologies?

2 – Db2 Code, Catalog, Function and Application Levels – differences and dependencies.

3 – Activation/Deactivation of new code and how to fallback and when you can’t.

4 – Different flavors of (pro-active) CD-Screening and how it can be automated:

* Anomaly alerting based on Incompatibility Change Indicators (ICIs)
* Dyn./Stat.Access Path Change Detection e.g.via Plan Management
* Clone based code change pre-apply exploiting Backup System
* Workload-KPI verification using SQL replay and KPI comparison

Audience Experience:    Intermediate Advanced
Platform:                          Db2 z/OS
Presentation Length:     60 minutes
Presentation Category:  Database Administration Performance Management Db2 Migration

Speaker Biography

Ulf Heinrich is the Director of Solutions Delivery at SOFTWARE ENGINEERING GmbH. He specializes in Db2 recovery issues and database maintenance, focusing on the growing requirement for cost reduction and 24×7 operations. As a consultant at large customer sites, he has implemented database maintenance procedures and recovery strategies, and also experienced the pitfalls of recovery scenarios under real‐world recovery pressure. His activities cover EMEA, as well as North America through SE’ U.S. subsidiary, SEGUS Inc. He’s involved in the development of SE’ maintenance and recovery Solutions.

Tridex October 2017

TRIDEX – Tri-State Db2 Technology Exchange

on Thursday October 5th, 2017 in New York, USA

SEGUS & SOFTWARE ENGINEERING proudly sponsor this event & present

Pdf Presentation

Db2 12 Continuous Delivery – New challenges for deployment.

Fundamental changes in the Db2 z world often lead to concerns. Let’s face it – some changes force us to change! While a Db2 version migration usually took months, or even years, there will be no new Db2 version after 12, but continuous code drops.

This will have a tremendous impact on migration strategies, because we have to find a reliable way to test these code deliveries in a fraction of time. If we make it, Business Divisions will become enthused at how quickly new technology becomes available for new applications. This presentation will describe the difference between Code, Catalog, Function and Application Levels, how you can control them and how you can fallback in case of anomalies. It also illustrates how we still can be pro-active in testing without burning weeks and months.

Learn how to choose from four different levels of testing and a new way of automation. CD-Screening allows you to pick and choose from KPI based test automation. The levels include simple anomaly alerting, access path verification, clone Pre-apply and even workload capture/replay to easily discover different behaviour resulting from a new code Level.

Mehr über Db2 Continuous Delivery – CD

Presentation Outline

Joining this presentation, you’ll learn how to align Continuous Delivery to your Continuous Availability.

1 – Agile, Continuous Delivery, DevOps – just buzz words, or new methodologies?

2 – Db2 Code, Catalog, Function and Application Levels – differences and dependencies.

3 – Activation/Deactivation of new code and how to fallback and when you can’t.

4 – Different flavors of (pro-active) CD-Screening and how it can be automated:

* Anomaly alerting based on Incompatibility Change Indicators (ICIs)
* Dyn./Stat.Access Path Change Detection e.g.via Plan Management
* Clone based code change pre-apply exploiting Backup System
* Workload-KPI verification using SQL replay and KPI comparison

Audience Experience:    Intermediate Advanced
Platform:                          Db2 z/OS
Presentation Length:     60 minutes
Presentation Category:  Database Administration Performance Management Db2 Migration

Speaker Biography

Ulf Heinrich is the Director of Solutions Delivery at SOFTWARE ENGINEERING GmbH. He specializes in Db2 recovery issues and database maintenance, focusing on the growing requirement for cost reduction and 24×7 operations. As a consultant at large customer sites, he has implemented database maintenance procedures and recovery strategies, and also experienced the pitfalls of recovery scenarios under real‐world recovery pressure. His activities cover EMEA, as well as North America through SE’ U.S. subsidiary, SEGUS Inc. He’s involved in the development of SE’ maintenance and recovery Solutions.

Heart of America Db2 Users Group – September 2017

HOADUG – Heart of America Db2 Users Group – September 2017

SEGUS & SOFTWARE ENGINEERING proudly sponsor this event & present

September 11th, 2017

Db2 12 Continuous Delivery – New challenges for deployment.

Pdf presentation

Fundamental changes in the Db2 z world often lead to concerns. Let’s face it – some changes force us to change! While a Db2 version migration usually took months, or even years, there will be no new Db2 version after 12, but continuous code drops.

This will have a tremendous impact on migration strategies, because we have to find a reliable way to test these code deliveries in a fraction of time. If we make it, Business Divisions will become enthused at how quickly new technology becomes available for new applications. This presentation will describe the difference between Code, Catalog, Function and Application Levels, how you can control them and how you can fallback in case of anomalies. It also illustrates how we still can be pro-active in testing without burning weeks and months.

Learn how to choose from four different levels of testing and a new way of automation. CD-Screening allows you to pick and choose from KPI based test automation. The levels include simple anomaly alerting, access path verification, clone Pre-apply and even workload capture/replay to easily discover different behaviour resulting from a new code Level.

More about Db2 Continuous Delivery – CD

Presentation Outline

Joining this presentation, you’ll learn how to align Continuous Delivery to your Continuous Availability.

1 – Agile, Continuous Delivery, DevOps – just buzz words, or new methodologies?

2 – Db2 Code, Catalog, Function and Application Levels – differences and dependencies.

3 – Activation/Deactivation of new code and how to fallback and when you can’t.

4 – Different flavors of (pro-active) CD-Screening and how it can be automated:

* Anomaly alerting based on Incompatibility Change Indicators (ICIs)
* Dyn./Stat.Access Path Change Detection e.g.via Plan Management
* Clone based code change pre-apply exploiting Backup System
* Workload-KPI verification using SQL replay and KPI comparison

Audience Experience:    Intermediate Advanced
Platform:                          Db2 z/OS
Presentation Length:     60 minutes
Presentation Category:  Database Administration Performance Management Db2 Migration

Speaker Biography

Ulf Heinrich is the Director of Solutions Delivery at SOFTWARE ENGINEERING GmbH. He specializes in Db2 recovery issues and database maintenance, focusing on the growing requirement for cost reduction and 24×7 operations. As a consultant at large customer sites, he has implemented database maintenance procedures and recovery strategies, and also experienced the pitfalls of recovery scenarios under real‐world recovery pressure. His activities cover EMEA, as well as North America through SE’ U.S. subsidiary, SEGUS Inc. He’s involved in the development of SE’ maintenance and recovery Solutions.