Wisconsin DB2 Users Group

Aurora St. Luke’s South Shore 5900 S. Lake Dr., Cudahy, WI, United States

SEGUS & SOFTWARE ENGINEERING present Compliance with compliments! Viable DB2 z/OS workload tracking.    Presentation Audit and Compliance is one of the big challenges companies are facing these days. This presentation shows how the entire DB2 workload can be tracked without the overhead of a trace, or monitor, enabling to answer Who did What When ‐ whenever

Wisconsin DB2 Users Group September 2016

Kohl's Junior Achievement Building 11111 West Liberty Drive, Milwaukee, WI, United States

SEGUS & SOFTWARE ENGINEERING present WDUG – on Tuesday September 14th, 2016 Don’t let ICIs put your DB2 application in the ICU! How to discover incompatible changes in your DB2 System The what and why of ICIs If you’ve been paying close attention, you will have noticed that over the course of the past couple releases

Wisconsin DB2 Users Group – September 2017

Kohl's Junior Achievement Building 11111 West Liberty Drive, Milwaukee, WI, United States

WDUG - on September 13th, 2017.

1 - Db2 12 Continuous Delivery – New challenges for deployment:
while a Db2 version migration usually took months, or even years, there will be no new Db2 version after 12, but continuous code drops...

2 - Db2 z/OS Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics:
accurate statistics is more important than ever in the Db2 world of today...

Wisconsin Db2 Users Group – June 2018

Country Springs Hotel & Conference Center Golf Road 2018, Pewaukee, WI, United States

Meet us at the Wisconsin Db2 Users Group - WDUG - June 2018, USA and attend our presentation on Db2 12 Continuous Delivery: "Total environment simulation – Workload Replay in an agile world"

Db2 Cloning proved to be just the right way to setup a testing, or development environment instantly. Some Db2 shops are refreshing multi-terabyte sized Db2 systems nearly on a daily basis, by exploiting cloning procedures and instant copy hardware features. While associated database objects and their data can be copied in a fully automated and resource friendly way, it turns out to be quite challenging and complex to cover representative SQL workload. Scaling workloads is an easier task, but parallel execution and especially exceptional queries, only executed on months, quarters, or years end can be cumbersome to be included adequately. If we want to avoid compromising quality of testing, our testing tasks become more complex to build and to maintain. Do we have the time for tasks like this? Does it fit DevOps, Agile and Continuous Delivery? Join this presentation and learn how you can upgrade!"

Wisconsin Db2 Users Group – March 2019

Aurora St. Luke’s South Shore 5900 S. Lake Dr., Cudahy, WI, United States

WDUG – Wisconsin Db2 Users Group, WI, USA – March 6th, 2019 in Aurora St. Luke's South Shore, WI, USA

Wisconsin Db2 Users Group – May 2019

Meet us at the WDUG – Wisconsin Db2 Users Group, WI, USA – May, 2019 and attend our presentation
"An Audit a day keeps the lawyers at bay!"
Audit and Compliance is one of the big challenges companies are facing these days. With GDPR and a bunch of other laws either in force or "coming soon to an auditor near you" it is time to bite the bullet and start working with the auditor not against.
This presentation shows how you can answer Who did What When ‐ whenever needed.

Wisconsin Db2 Users Group – March 2020

Aurora Medical Center Aurora Dr., Oconomowoc, WI, United States

Meet us at the WDUG – Wisconsin Db2 Users Group, IL, USA – March 11 , 2020 and attend our presentation:

Db2 for z/OS Know your Limits!
In this presentation I will show and explain the current number of limits within Db2 on z/OS.

November 2021 WDUG VIRTUAL Db2 for z/OS Meeting

Virtual Meeting

SEGUS & SOFTWARE ENGINEERING present: Esoteric Functions in Db2 In this presentation I will delve into FTB/FIT, Spatial Indexes, Regular Expressions, Clone tables and Scrollable cursors. All of these could be called esoteric as most shops do not use or even know of their existence! I would hope that after this presentation the viewers will