SQL WorkloadExpert for Db2 z/OS
Collecting, Tuning and Trending for greater Agility
Continuously running traces is very expensive in terms of CPU overhead. The time you don’t run them is guaranteed the time when you will need them most. But how can you tune your system for optimal performance and recognize trends before they could turn into real problems?
Running with very little to no overhead, SQL WorkloadExpert for Db2 z/OS (aka WLX), uses its Intelligent Catcher Facility (ICF), to create a sturdy workload warehouse environment as the basis for further analyses and reporting. Catch all static and dynamic SQL—even those statements which have been flushed. Dynamically aggregate and EXPLAIN the data.
Expand your expert knowledge with WLX at your fingertips and take advantage of intuitive reports and graphics that help to quickly and easily answer questions, such as:
- What effect does Application X have on the load?
- Which Objects (Tables, Indexes, Tablespaces) are never used?
- Which SQL statements are the most CPU-intensive?
- Who did what when? … and many more besides.
An important aspect is the auditing around Db2 z/OS. WLX Audit for Db2 z/OS tool also works with RACF (IBM), ACF2 (CA) und TOPSECRET (CA).
With over 30 pre-defined “use cases”, once installed, WLX is ready to hit the road running, helping to increase mainframe transparency for everyone.
Key Features/Benefits
- Low overhead; won’t slow the system down
- Any workload analytics query is fully zIIP eligible
- Quickly identifies tuning opportunities—even dynamic statements from remote platforms
- No manual intervention required
- No time-consuming exports to other platforms
- Multiple snap technology shows everything in EDM + DSC Pools
- EDM + DSC invalidation surveillance even captures flushed statments
- Provides information for all AUTHIDs
- Provides insights into single applications or complete Db2 Workloads
- Historical data provided over time for trending
- “End-to-end” SQL tuning
- Customizable collection times or ad-hoc
- Plex-wide reports
- Disc problem detection (I/O Rates)
- Allows personnel outside data center intuitive access to their SQL performance and history
- Side-by-side SQL comparisons, e.g. today and four weeks ago
- Integrates with Eclipse, DataStudio or Rational
- Stand-alone product or integrated with other SEGUS Db2 products
Also interfaces with
SPX (SQL PerformanceExpert): in depth SQL performance tuning
BIX (Bind ImpactExpert): accurate access path comparison
RTDX (RealTime DBAExpert): reduces the number of REORG required