Heart of America DB2 Users Group September 2016

Kansas University - Edwards Campus 12600 Quivira Rd, Overland Park, Kansas, Vereinigte Staaten

SEGUS & SOFTWARE ENGINEERING present HOADUG - on Monday September 12th, 2016 Compliance with compliments! Viable DB2 z/OS workload tracking. Audit and Compliance is a need that many companies want and have to fulfill. There’s different ways and tools that promise to be able to do it, but what can they really do and what

Tridex September 2016

IBM New York 590 Madison Ave, Room 1219, 12th Floor, New York, NY, United States

SEGUS & SOFTWARE ENGINEERING present TRIDEX – on Tuesday September 27th, 2016 Compliance with compliments! Viable DB2 z/OS workload tracking. Audit and Compliance is a need that many companies want and have to fulfill. There’s different ways and tools that promise to be able to do it, but what can they really do and what are

The Delaware Valley DB2 Users Group

Delaware Valley DB2 Users Group 45 Liberty Blvd Malvern, Philadelphia, PA, United States

SEGUS & SOFTWARE ENGINEERING present DVDUG – on Wednesday September 28th 2016 Compliance with compliments! Viable DB2 z/OS workload tracking. Audit and Compliance is a need that many companies want and have to fulfill. There’s different ways and tools that promise to be able to do it, but what can they really do and what

IDUG 2016 DB2 European Tech Conference

Crowne Plaza Brussels - Le Palace Rue Gineste 3, Brussels, Belgium

SEGUS & SOFTWARE ENGINEERING present Pdf presentation: Access Path Recovery for DB2 11 & 12 using RUNSTATS Rescue. Pdf presentation: Compliance with compliments! Viable DB2 z/OS workload tracking. "Access Path Recovery for DB2 11 & 12 using RUNSTATS Rescue" November 15th, 2016 What is the number one reason for bad access paths? Bad statistics! Why do

Heart of Texas Db2 Users Group – February 2018

Teacher Retirement System (TRS) 1000 Red River Street, Austin, TX, United States

SEGUS & SOFTWARE ENGINEERING proudly sponsor this event and present:
1 Compliance with compliments! Viable Db2 z/OS workload tracking: A presentation about capturing DDL, DML, DCL and more of the entire workload, by exploiting resource friendly IFCID technology.
2 Db2 12 Continuous Delivery – New challenges for deployment: A presentation about Db2 12 Continuous Delivery and how it affects Db2 migration/maintenance strategies.
3 Db2 z/OS Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics: A presentation about Db2 RUNSTATS, BIND/REBIND enhancements and how to protect/recover access paths.

Southwest Db2 Users Group – February 2018

The Original Pancake House 1505 William D Tate Ave, Grapevine, TX, United States

SEGUS & SOFTWARE ENGINEERING proudly sponsor this event and present:
1 Compliance with compliments! Viable Db2 z/OS workload tracking: A presentation about capturing DDL, DML, DCL and more of the entire workload, by exploiting resource friendly IFCID technology.
2 Db2 12 Continuous Delivery – New challenges for deployment: A presentation about Db2 12 Continuous Delivery and how it affects Db2 migration/maintenance strategies.
3 Db2 z/OS Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics: A presentation about Db2 RUNSTATS, BIND/REBIND enhancements and how to protect/recover access paths.

Tridex March 2019

IBM New York 590 Madison Ave, Room 1219, 12th Floor, New York, NY, United States

Meet us at the Tri-State Db2 Technology Exchange - TRIDEX -, on March 21st, 2019, Db2 Users Group, New York, USA, and attend our presentation
1 - "An Audit a day keeps the lawyers at bay!"
Audit and Compliance is one of the big challenges companies are facing these days. With GDPR and a bunch of other laws either in force or "coming soon to an auditor near you" it is time to bite the bullet and start working with the auditor not against.
This presentation shows how you can answer Who did What When ‐ whenever needed.

2 - „ZOWE – The zGui (r)evolution - First hands on experience and best practices“ from Ulf Heinrich

The evolution of the mainframe had a variety of GUI approaches, some lasted for a while, some never took off at all. However, it was never THE COMMON ecosystem used by all products and all vendors. At the 2018 SHARE, IBM, Rocket Software and CA Technologies announced ZOWE – THE z ecosystem to securely manage, control, script and develop. Of course, an announcement is probably not the final truth, but from what I’ve already seen and used I’m more than enthused. This presentationshows you the basics you need to understand ZOWE, summarizes the steps you need to use it and illustrates how ISPF online and batch applications are supported from the GUI world.