Latest Past Events

November 2021 WDUG VIRTUAL Db2 for z/OS Meeting

Virtual Meeting

SEGUS & SOFTWARE ENGINEERING present: Esoteric Functions in Db2 In this presentation I will delve into FTB/FIT, Spatial Indexes, Regular Expressions, Clone tables and Scrollable cursors. All of these could be called esoteric as most shops do not use or even know of their existence! I would hope that after this presentation the viewers will

Wisconsin Db2 Users Group – March 2020

Aurora Medical Center Aurora Dr., Oconomowoc

Meet us at the WDUG – Wisconsin Db2 Users Group, IL, USA – March 11 , 2020 and attend our presentation:

Db2 for z/OS Know your Limits!
In this presentation I will show and explain the current number of limits within Db2 on z/OS.