Latest Past Events

IDUG 2016 DB2 European Tech Conference

Crowne Plaza Brussels - Le Palace Rue Gineste 3, Brussels

SEGUS & SOFTWARE ENGINEERING present Pdf presentation: Access Path Recovery for DB2 11 & 12 using RUNSTATS Rescue. Pdf presentation: Compliance with compliments! Viable DB2 z/OS workload tracking. "Access Path Recovery

The Delaware Valley DB2 Users Group

Delaware Valley DB2 Users Group 45 Liberty Blvd Malvern, Philadelphia

SEGUS & SOFTWARE ENGINEERING present DVDUG – on Wednesday September 28th 2016 Compliance with compliments! Viable DB2 z/OS workload tracking. Audit and Compliance is a need that many companies want

Tridex September 2016

IBM New York 590 Madison Ave, Room 1219, 12th Floor, New York

SEGUS & SOFTWARE ENGINEERING present TRIDEX – on Tuesday September 27th, 2016 Compliance with compliments! Viable DB2 z/OS workload tracking. Audit and Compliance is a need that many companies want and